Mar 24, 2013

Young Man and the Big Heart

My husband has shared this several months ago. It keep on flying in my better I write it here :)
It was Friday before zuhur, and many men came into Darussalam Mosque for Friday prayer. There was Primary School student of Madrasah Al Irsyad welcoming on the front door with donation tin for his school.

Many men put money into the tin. Some of them after put money into the tin, then put some to the boy's pocket. Common rule...It was supposed to be for him...

When Friday sermon was about to start, he went to one corner at the back where he kept his bag. He was unaware that my husband was looking at him for quite some time. He then took out all the money in his pocket, and at my husband's surprise, he put everything to the donation tin. All the money!

I didn't see when it was happened, and he was not my son either. But, when my husband shared this, I felt like I am the one who proud of him the most :)
That young man, in hir early years of life, has such a generous heart. I believed he has many of boy's stuff he wanted to have in his mind, but he just don't want to take that money. He chose to donate it to his school. He has such a unconditionally generous heart..He didn't do that good deeds to be seen by people...

May Allah bless him always, keep him to do that for the rest of his life. May Allah bless his parents, his teachers...who introduce him on that unconditionally good deed..Aamiin

Mar 16, 2013

What is it 'Being good'?

Wah udah lama banget ni blog gak dikunjungin...ini ter-inspire dengan Shifa (now 10years old). Dia sekarang suka untuk tulis diary..ada yang di komputer (tapi off line), ada yang di buku.

It's remembering me how I used to be...sering mengharu biru ke diary heheheh

Kejadian ini last week, on Friday night. Setelah menghadiri tausiyah di Al-Falah Mosque. Dua anak ikutan juga, setelah dijanjiin ke McDonald setelah acara.
Kita ke McDonald di Youth Park, Orchard. Baru pertama kali ke daerah itu, baru tau juga kalo di situ tempat teenagers ngumpul..ya iyalah, namanya juga Youth Park huahahaha

McDonald cukup penuh, kita dapet table for 4 at the corner. tapi ternyata chair-nya kurang satu. Seems group of girls (gog#1) di depan kita use it, karena mereka bertiga sedangkan itu table for 2.
Lihat sekeliling, gak ada bangku nganggur. Di sebelah kita ada group of two girls (gog#2) menggunakan table for 4 juga, lengkap dengan 2 chairs and 1 long bench. Walaupun cuma berdua, mereka used all the chairs, untuk tas2 mereka.
Tapi seems mereka gak perhatiin kalo kita lagi cari 1chair...tetap asyik chit chat and eat.

It's ok...setelah meals siap, kita duduk di bangku yg ada. 1 chair for Shifa, long bench diisi Althaf, aku, dan Ayah...squeezed :)

Gog#1 and gog#2 gak ada respons, tetep aja chit chat and eat.sekali2 mereka liat ke arah kami, tapi respons..aku dan ayah cuma bisa ngomongin dua group ini pake bhs jawa..apa lah yg ada di pikiran girls ini? bisa tetep ketawa, ngobrol, dan makan sedangkan di deket mereka ada keluarga yg empet2an duduknya :(

Setelah selesai, kita diskusiin ini dengan anak2. We just want them in the future, to see around, not busy with themselves only....di manapun...and then to think, kalo ada orang lain yang bisa kita offer help.

Aku bisa conclude bahwa Being Good itu ada level2nya:
1. Being good: tidak mengambil hak orang lain
2. Being good: tidak mengambil hak orang lain + offer orang lain apa yang bisa kita bantu

These two group, gog#1 and gog#2 sudah Being good, dalam definisi pertama. Mereka tidak mengambil hak orang lain, tidak mengganggu orang lain. walaupun gog#1 took the chair from our table, but it was before we came. So, we can say they are not wrong, according to #1 definition of being good.

Tapi, kalau kita liat Being good according to #2 definition, something missing on them, especially gog#2. Sebenernya mereka bisa do more, dengan offering 1 extra chair to us, the one need chair at the moment. Toh, mereka masih punya banyak space...

Mudah2an akan lebih banyak parents yg introduce the kids to be good, in #2 definition..Insya Allah